5 Sports Movie Characters Who Deserve The Nobel Peace Prize More Than Obama

20 Oct 2009

Obama, unifying figure…maybe, great for the world…maybe. But think about the sports movies that gave you hope and inspired you to do something better and change the way you go about life, which is very similar to why President Obama won the prize.

So here is the list:

5. Chet “The Rocket” Steadman

He inspired and change the culture that surrounded the down-in-the-dumps Chicago Cubs. He inspired a great young Henry Rowengartner and built this kid to a legend in Cub community. He was so devoted to Henry, and more so his MILF, that he went on to coach Little League. That is change i can believe in.

4.  Mr Miyagi

Mr. Miyagi inspired Ralph Macchio to become an teen karate champion.  Who would have thought that an old immigrant could change the way one kid thinks and acts? Inspiring words of hope for the future from Mr. Miyagi, “Wax On, Wax Off”

3. Gordon Bombay

Gordon Bombay was a hot shot lawyer who was forced to coach a joke of a kids hockey team by his boss. Reliving his childhood memories of hockey stardom, he grew depressed by the failure of his team and the intimidation of his former hockey coach. But as a unifying figure in the Minnesota youth hockey world, he is an idle and would surely caryr Minnesota if he challenge Obama in 2012.

2. Rudy

No explaination needed for why Rudy inspired millions of kids and adult alike to try that thing they never thought possible. Rudy was five foot nothing, 100 and nothing but he managed to get a sack in front of his skeptical father which changed the lives of thousands of people who thought they could never achieve something great.

1. Rocky Balboa

ROCKY, ROCKY, ROCKY. Rocky truly could have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after his brilliant performance against Soviet Ivan Drago. Rocky won over the tough soviet crowd and start the debate on change that Obama used in his political campaigns. The most inspirational movie quote of all time, “During this fight, I’ve seen a lot of changing, in the way you feel about me, and in the way I feel about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that’s better than twenty million. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!”
