Editor’s Note

09 Feb 2015
Hello sports fans! I’ve always wanted to say that, though preferably on a network and not a blog with a title referencing a piece of equipment that protects my man parts. Anyways, my name is Michael Fine, and I am the new editor for The Jock Itch site. After many long nights (2 to be exact), I have found the perfect vision for this brand. We’re going to write about everything! Well not everything, but pretty close. Sports will be our main topic of conversation but the staff is quite cultured so do not be surprised to see a piece on music, politics or even calligraphy (had to Google that one). We want to create thought-provoking content where you the reader will give us feedback. This is not our site, it is YOURS. None of us are Pulitzer Prize winning writers. We write about our take on the sports landscape and beyond. I will always welcome suggestions to better improve the site and/or the articles. You can reach me on Twitter @Michael_A_Fine. Let the games begin! (Picture me holding a sword in the air while I say that, preferably similar to Gladiator).