Why Derek Jeter Did It Right

27 Feb 2015
Forget the 3,465 hits, forget the .310 average, and let’s even forget the 5 World Series rings; Derek Jeter’s on-field accolades do not come close to his off-field ones. For years, it bewildered me how I never heard about a cheating scandal or a public argument between Jeter and one of his ladies. How did he avoid these incidents? Derek Jeter played the game masterfully. One has to have a plan when you have dated or been rumored of dating Vanessa Minnillo, Scarlett Johansson, Mariah Carey, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Adrianna Lima, Jordana Brewster, Minka Kelly, and Tyra Banks. Rumors are that after spending a night with #2, the young lady would be taken home in a limo and in the seat next to her would be a gift basket of memorabilia. I don’t know about you, but capping off a one-night stand with a signed baseball by Derek Jeter sounds pretty awesome to me.
Jeter was also brilliant in that when he had parties, he demanded people turn in their cell phone while inside his apartment. If only Justin Beiber could think of this stuff! I’ve said it for years, if you’re a professional athlete STAY SINGLE for as long as possible. You only have so many years to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
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