Spear Fishing F#CK YEAH!

Mancation is over, but the memories will never be forgotten. We slept in a bear sanctuary. Threw hatchets. Went fucking spear fishing. Got caught. Started fires. Grunted and shit.  

Cubicle Man vs Wild

This upcoming weekend is father’s day. And what will make my father more proud than knowing his eldest son survived a weekend in the wild during a much needed “mancation.” I spend 45-50 hours a week in a cubicle. I live in a city that has smog capable of suffocating...

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“Female” Zimbabwean Athlete has Flaccid Defense for Penis

In the world of running, athletes performance enhancing substances have long been a problem. But in Zimbabwe’s international women’s running circuit, Samukeliso Sithole is accused of having the worst performance enhancing substance: a penis. It turns out Sithole masqueraded around the country, winning dozens of women’s events and pursing millions of dollars. Charges...

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